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"Research, Development and Innovation in technology for pharmaceutical processing"

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12 giugno 2007, nell'ambito di Pharmintech a Bologna, A cura di ISPE Affiliata Italiana e in collaborazione con PDA Italy Chapter. June 12th, 2007, a Pharmintech Event in Bologna (I), Organized by ISPE Italy Affiliate in co-operation with PDA Italy Chapter. Se gli anni passati sono stati caratterizzati dalla conquista dello spazio e dalle telecomunicazioni, l’epoca che stiamo vivendo è caratterizzata dal rapido sviluppo delle nano e delle biotecnologie, ed entrambe le scienze hanno un significativo impatto sul settore Life Science e tutto quanto riguarda la salute delle persone. Quale migliore occasione, quindi, in concomitanza di Pharmintech 2007, di organizzare un convegno nel quale mettere a confronto i "decision makers" di alcune grandi aziende farmaceutiche, il mondo della ricerca avanzata ed i migliori realizzatori di soluzioni tecnologiche. Gli obiettivi del convegno saranno di creare rete tra i diversi mondi e di identificare il possibile scenario evolutivo dei prossimi 10 anni.
locandina del convegno
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
In the past years the major developments have occured in space travel and telecommunications; however, during recent years these developments have concerned nano- and biotechnology, both of which have great impact on the life science industry and people's health in general. The time is perfect, therefore, to organize a convention during Pharmintech 2007 to encourage discussion among decision makers from important pharmaceutical firms, representatives from advanced research and the best manufacturers of pharmaceutical technologies. The objectives of the convention are creating a network to connect these three different worlds and outlining what the scenario is likely to be in 10 years' time.
1. Gert Moelgaard
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
New Frontiers of Pharmaceutical Engineering
2.-Theodore Iliopoulos
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New innovative business models in an environment of continuous dynamic change
3.- P. G. Shrotriya
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
“Indian Pharma Industry with Global Approach”
4.- Walter Schiess
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
Selection of Materials and Surfaces for small volume parenteral primary packaging
5.- Frank A. Gomez
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
Impact of Primary Packaging Material Quality on a 24H/7D Continuous Production Scheme
6.- Paul Merrick
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
Engineering and User needs in large Pharma
7.- Roberto Guerrieri
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
New Frontiers of Technologies
0.-Andrea Chiesi
, from 2024-10-22 04:48 to 2024-10-22 04:48 —
Chairman Introduction
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